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So Long, and Thanks for all the Pokémon
Uploaded by Chris the Lovable Jerk Mar 24, 2023 at 04:19PM EDT
kuroi susumu pokémon ash ketchum pikachu butterfree pidgeot charizard bulbasaur squirtle bayleaf quilava noctowl totodile lucario sceptile swellow primape gengar rotom latias latios dragonite kingler mr. mime heracross lapras greninja rowlet donphan larvitar muk tauros snorlax staraptor corphish boldore buizel glalie hawlucha infernape ambipom dracovish gliscor gible naganadel lycanroc leavanny krookodile incineroar melmetal noivern pignite snivy palpitoad unfezant torterra scraggy torkoal oshawott sirfetch'd talonflame
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