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Origin Entry: Media Literacy

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Media Literacy - Media literacy has hit rock bottom and kept drilling

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Hopefully, people nowadays at least have enough media literacy to recognize that they should be suspicious of the messages sent by the likes of Soyjaks vs. Chads memes (or Brainlets vs. Chads memes, as is the case here; slightly different implications, but practically the same), knowing that they are pretty much always just homemade propaganda.

And if that isn't enough, notice the change in fonts. The based Chad whom you should side with because he is right speaks in a seriffed font to appear more authoritative, and the cringe wojak who is wrong speaks in Comic Sans MS, which is widely considered ugly and childish, just as you are supposed to consider the wojak himself to be. That's a detail that's absent from most wojak memes, so perhaps the author was trying especially hard to get this point across?


Has anyone read the Silmarillion? For all the people talking about how Tolkien's world is this cut and dry black and white, it's actually quite complex.

Take Mîm the petty dwarf, the sons of Fëanor or even how corruptive the ring was on even the noblest. LoTR has good and evil, but it's not as petty as some kind of school play. That's what the first imitators to Tolkien did.


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