Saddam Hussein's Nutty Putty Cave Incident Hiding Place
Created by Zach Dec 01, 2023 at 12:24PM EST
nutty putty cave saddam hussein's hiding place meme photoshop
Origin Entry: Nutty Putty Cave Incident
File type: jpg
Resolution: (1200px x 675px)
File size: 379 KB
If I ever die somewhere called “nutty putty cave” please resuscitate me so I can kill myself
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I just listened to a podcast on this and it’s sooo sad cuz they really tried everything to get him out
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I don't know how people can do this for fun if someone puts a gun to my head and tells me to go into a cave like that I'm eating the bullet
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A diagram of how John Edward Jones was stuck for 27 hours in nutty putty cave before passing away.
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Nutty Putty Cave Incident - Saddam Hussein's Nutty Putty Cave Incident Hiding Place
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