Don't Worry, He Knows meme | Don't Worry, He Knows | Know Your Meme
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1042 Views Created 23 days ago By Mateus • Updated 23 days ago

Created By Mateus • Updated 23 days ago

File: 1358598745671.jpg-(67 KB, 800x600, For4Chan01.jpg) Anonymous (ID: hYpqmQGj) 01/19/13(Sat)07:32:25 No.452153060 Replies: >>452153414 >>452153772 >>452154186 >>452157264 >>452157960 >>452161987 >>452162321 >>452162418 >>452162608 >>452163065 >>452163220452163858 What to do /b/? I've been in love with the same girl for basically all my life but the situation is all f----- up now and I don't know how to stop f------ caring about her. Pic related, it's her >Be crushin on same girl for all my life >Knew her since kindergarten >Her parents are poor and live in a one bedroom with four kids so they don't care she sleeps over most nights >Hang out almost everyday for years >All our friends joke about us getting married one day >She knows I'm into her and she says she feels same way but "doesn't want to label it" >Get her to make out but really not much more >Says she likes me too much and is afraid we'll go all the way if we do anything more >Resigned to being a virgin til I eventually marry this girl >Both of us mainly hang out with two other guys (lets call Eric and Dave) >Mainly consists of playing Halo at my house >Sometimes smoke weed when Eric can get it >Talk about parties but never get invited >Eric starts hanging out with his oldfag cousin sometimes >Make fun of him for hanging out with 37 year old >Says cousin buys beer and lets him smoke at his place >wellwhydidntyousaysointhefirst place.jpg >Start going to his cousins place to drink and play halo once a week when his wife and kids are gone visiting wife's parents >He buys the beer, has food, videogames, not bad situation >He can have a pretty annoying bossy attitude and thinks hes the king of our weekly hangs but whatever >Start bringing the pseudo-gf to these things >Cousin is always eyeing the f--- out of her but she's used to being the only girl at our hangs so whatever Continued >>Anonymous (ID: YilxdjUe) 01/19/13(Sat)07:36:20 No.452153414 >>452153060 (OP) Anonymous (ID: hYpqmQGj) 01/19/13(Sat)07:50:03 No.452154764 Replies: >>452155342 >>452162321 >>452162508 >>452163698 File: 1358599803376.jpg-(68 KB, 800x600, For4Chan02.jpg) Sorry I suck at typing. >Even though this cousinfag knows that this girl should be off limits he is always f------ hitting on her >Worst part is she doesn't seem to mind >One day he asks her why it doesn't say I'm her boyfriend on facebook >mfw when she says "Oh he's more like my best friend than anything" >seething anger when he says "Man you gotta lock that s--- down bro, she's banging" >Only really see this cousinfag once a week and she still sleeps over all the time so thinking whatever nothing will come of it >I keep telling her he's an a------ >She agrees but tells me 'you know me, I don't even know how to be rude" >Besides not like we can really stop going, ritual is pretty ingrained at this point >Eventually start combining Halo and drinking, halo drinking games >We're retards we didn't think of this sooner >Old cousinfag instates random different rules all the time >House rules he says >Since pseudo-gf doesn't really play, he sometimes has rules involving her >She has to get the beers if theres a multikill, s--- like that >One day he proposes she has to sit on lap of the guy who wins for the next game >Randomly this oldfag is the best of us so rule is obviously for him >I start to say, "Dude I don't think she wants.. >When at the same time she laughs and says "You boys.." implying okay >Feel like a huge f----- for being too protective, get red and just go with it >She spends the majority of the next couple of hours on his lap >Raging as we go home, get in a fight with her, make up as we always do continued >> Anonymous (ID: hYpqmQGj) 01/19/13(Sat)07:51:26 No.452154902 also harder than i thought for me to relive all this s--- so sorry for the slow pace, i'll try to be faster DED TO WILL wwwww any un >>Anonymous (ID: hYpqmQGj) 01/19/13(Sat)08:01:19 No.452155892 Replies: >>452156101 >>452156116 >>452156329 >>452156350 >>452156363 >>452156429 >>452162321 >S--- continues like this for the next few times >Mostly lap sitting >Sometimes they get her to do a joke sexy dance >Nothing I can get publically too mad about >My uncle has a wedding on the same day one of these hangs happens >Ask her not to go >She says "she probably won't" >Ask her again, basically begging this time >She says she'll try to get out of it but that the guys are pushy and she's bad at saying no >Both true statements, but I get mad at her telling her to have a spine >Get in a fight again >Don't have time to make up before leaving for wedding >ihaveareallybadfeeling.jpg >Fidgeting entire weekend >Text with her on ride back with the parents, she says to call her once I get back, by the tone I know she feels guilty >ohfuck.png >Turns out she had gotten too drunk and they incorporated stripping into the game, cousin, Eric and Dave all saw her completely naked >Whattheflyingfuck.jpg >get in another fight >mfw i realize that they've gotten more sexual pleasure out of her than me at this point >think its basically over, have to find a new social life >she calls me really late and comes over > cries apologizing, says she has a really big problem saying no and will try to fix it >forgive her and go to bed cuddling continued >> Anonymous (ID: PVdqgKy3) 01/19/13(Sat)08:03:30 No.452156101 >>452155892 also 'ffiore pics please Anonymous (ID: hYpqmQGj) 01/19/13(Sat)08:11:55 No.452156963 Replies: >>452157229 >>452157609 >>452162321 >Really awkward with Eric and Dave the next time I see them >Don't really address it for a while but eventually we have an awkward apology talk since I'm clearly p----- >She stops going to the cousinfags for a while >Eventually starts going again > to repair all our broken friendships" she says >Things slowly but surely evolve back to where they were >I know I gotta put a stop to this >Realize booze is really the main difference between my place and oldfags >Start taking booze out of parents cabinet when we play halo at my place >Didn't really know what the f--- I was thinking since we still went to cousinfags as much as we used to >Eventually parents find out >My grades also been going down also >Combination gets them megapissed >Pseudo-gf can't sleep over and I can't go out for a week >pseudo-gf and I fight over this can't even remember why the f--- we did >Get text couple of days later from cousinfag telling us he has the place to himself so to come over >no0000000000000000.jpg >Try to sneak out but get caught >Frantically try to call her but she's still p-----, not picking up >Next day still no contact, weekend so don't see her at school >whatthefuckwhatthefuckingfuck.jpg >freak the f--- out, basically having emotional breakdown continued Anonymous (ID: 1n00t0iK) 01/19/13(Sat)08:11:59 No.452156969 Hurry the f--- up op Anonymous (ID: YSFAhA2+) 01/19/13(Sat)08:20:31 No.452157818 >>452157730 I want to believe OP wouldn't do that. >>Anonymous (ID: hYpqmQGj) 01/19/13(Sat)08:22:01 No.452157949 Replies: >>452158091 >>452158459 >>452158483 >>452158492 >>452158501 >>452158745 >>452162321 File: 1358601721575.jpg-(56 KB, 800x598, For4Chan03.jpg) >see her at school when Monday finally f------ comes >she avoids me all day >she leaves before I can track her down afterschool >text her a zillion times, tell her grounding is over and I really want to talk to her, if its over she can at least tell me >find Eric and Dave, too freaked out to be subtle ask them what the f--- happened >really f------ f------ awkward but basically tell me that they played strip halo again >Eric quickly leaves but Dave tells me later that Eric and cousin f-- were feeling her up while she was half passed out >says hes sorry and he tried to stop it >have no one else to be mad at so flip out at dave >> Anonymous (ID: hYpqmQGj) 01/19/13(Sat)08:32:22 No.452158975 Replies: >>452159150 >>452159216 >>452159237 >>452159303 >>452162616 sorry I'm so slow, recanting is really affecting me >middle of the night, she randomly says "I love you >unexpectedbestmomentomylife.jpg >don't even hesitate, say "I love you too >no matter what?" she says >I say of course >asking no matter what continues for a while >eventually get bad feeling >she tells me that she had no where to go once my parents didn't let me have her over >that she hated staying at her house and how I knew how much she hated her parents >eventually admits she was telling oldfag this by text on her way home Friday night (when stripping happened) >he tells her his house is free until Monday, invites her to stay over >I am shaking while she tells me this >The way she was acting all clicks and makes sense in my mind >Never had a moment of clarity like this >I don't even have to ask but I do >She tells me they went all the way >Not even sure why I asked the details but I had to >how many times? >she says I don't know a billion times and then settles down on five >did you enjoy it? >she says no but I press her and she says she orgasmed >what positions? >missionary and doggy >condom? >pause, no >we're both crying this entire time >still in state of shock in the morning, get morning after pill though at least continued VICII LINC vela Cillian 15 caulicu uw, I DELI is Constructing in popped overall¯QUI/Lume III a utalitil Anonymous (ID: qwj4zea5) 01/19/13(Sat)08:22:11 No.452157960 Replies: >>452158646 >>452159762 >>452153060 (OP) I don't doubt OP is beta, but those two can't be the only parameters. I don't want to be either of them. >> Anonymous (ID: hYpqmQGj) 01/19/13(Sat)08:46:24 No.452160373 Replies: >>452160525 >>452160559 >>452160612 >>452160617 >>452160628 >>452160654 >>452160657 >>452160685 >>452160689 >>452160701 >>45216 >>452160718 >>452160721 >>452160779 >>452160801 >>452160890 >>452160943 >>452160950 >>452161031 >>452161065 >>452161086 >>452161274 >>452161301 >>452161327 >>452161384 >>452161465 >>452161486 >>452161770 >>4 >>452162589 >>452162670 >>452162862 >>452162975 >>452163457 >>452163786 >We're still really weird the next few days but I'm still oddly positive >She says I love you all the time from never saying it at all >actually go facebook official >everyone at school has heard about what happened but I don't give a s--- >hold hands everywhere, we tell each other as long as we have each other it'll be okay >Finally catch up to yesterday >Get a text from oldfag saying to come over >Almost laugh that he thinks we're still going >After school look for real-gf now >see her with Eric and Dave >Still p----- at Eric, so already in bad mood >MFW They say they are on way over to cousinfags >I don't even know what to say >I say I'm not going >when it's clear they are going to go with or without me I go with them >just play halo and drink for a while >so mad but don't even know what to do >sense of awkwardness is even worse >feel like I'm not even in the room >try to get her to go home multiple times, eric and cousin convince her to stay >she's on my lap the entire time with my arms around her >end up watching Prometheus >dave has gone home at this point >make the mistake of getting up to get a beer >when I'm back she's on oldfags lap >I ask her if she's okay >she says yes >halfway through oldfag and her start kissing >eric goes "dude chill out" >mfw when she says, "don't worry he knows" >I tell her that I'm leaving >She says she's going to stay This was last night and I haven't talked to her since >eventually she texts me back eventually saying 'you're acting like there's something to end >get this in front of dave and start crying, run away >so f------ embarrassed to even remember this f------ s--- >thinking life is over >she comes over that night, no text no call no nothing >is sobbing at the door >don't even know how to be mad at her >I tell her its okay, I heard what happened and I forgive you >she just keeps crying and we go to bed continued
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Don't Worry, He Knows


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