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Wavy Sound
Wavy Sound

People shouldn't have to "leave" or "enter" any fandom. It's everyone's own choice whether to be a fan of something or not and that doesn't have to be accepted/rejected by others. If someone makes a scene when "leaving" a fanbase though – like ranting about how much they've come to hate the other fans or something like that – then yeah, they want attention.


I see that I have been misconstrued by a slight margin. Allow me to elaborate.

If you wanna leave the fandom, you fucking do it. No need to announce it or whatever, just silently slip through. No need to make huge drama over it, no one’s gonna care. Having a huge post about how you’re done and stuff is just calling for attention, and that just makes you look worse.

The problem is with people posting a wall of text about how the fandom is decaying, it isn't what it used to be, the usual trash, making themselves seem like some sort of tragic figure.


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