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About two weeks ago, I decided to try and do charts of the comment section for this entry. I did quite a few things I've never done before to accomplish this, so I had some fun.
First, I wrote a program that fetches and parses the comments from KYM and outputs them to a file. Fetching occurred in two passes. The first got most of the comment details, and the second pass acquired the karma values. Then I wrote a program that aggregates values over a 7-day cycle for these comments, throws out the extra uncompleted cycle, and outputs the actual charts.
Only one unexpected thing occurred, and that was running into 7 comments that had identical counterparts. The only thing that distinguished them was the comment URL. Duplicates were removed before outputting the file.

Platus Moderator

I can explain what happened between seasons one and two:

Early on in the fandom's presence on this site, there was no pony general thread. As such, all of the discussion happened in the comment section of the entry itself. This meant that the entry was permanently trending, never falling off the front page. Eventually, the moderators (which, at the time, did not include me) said that the discussions had t be taken to the forums or else the comment section would be locked (which it actually was at one point for a couple of hours).


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