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Nox Lucis
Nox Lucis

After viewing it, I'd say it was lacking actual show quality in both animation and acting, but not by a monstrous degree. The dialogue was a bit too cheesy for me, as was the moral. This is, however, better than being out of character or having a contrary moral, as these were not a problem. Some references are good, but I feel this was way overdone. The part where Rainbow Dash [SPOILER ALERT] enters the Powerpuff Girls world was almost facepalm worthy. The soundtrack was very well designed, and probably the most enjoyable part. All-in-all, I give this 3/5 stars, for good music, decent animation and voice acting, and lots of effort.


I was expecting a cute, heartwarming, slice of life adventure, developed by the fandom's most creative minds…what I got instead was 30 minutes of horrible writing and crappy "maymay" references.
Read my full review here.
The horrible thing is people are going to defend this on the basis that "it's a fan episode".


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