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Yeah rebooting it was Hasbro's idea, making it awesome was Faust's/DHX's talent. In fact it was all Faust's concepts that created the FiM version of MLP, drawing on stories she created of MLP growing up using only her imagination. Had Hasbro gone head long into their MLP reboot (letting their marketing department lead them by the collar) like they're doing with EQG we'd probably have gotten something as generic and lame as previous generations of ponies, and none of use would be here to have such a pointless discussion cause there would be a G4 of ponies that anyone outside the target demographic (and maybe not even them) would give a hoot about.

Far, far, FAR to much credit is given to Hasbro. They're not creators, they're IP owners. They made one good decision in hiring Faust and giving her enough breathing room to work her magic. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. Don't believe me? Just look at the brilliant decisions they made concerning Battleship and giving Micheal Bay a second go around at the transformers IP. Hell does anyone remember the childhood scarring incident that was the Transformers animated movie from the 80's?


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