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Before people come in shouting racism and WTF and "lol wat, allow me a moment to divulge to you some artistic critique sense.

Art is not just a pretty picture. Art is a VISUAL representation of an idea, combined with a sense of style from the artist, and execution of the piece. This particular piece of art is more specifically called "Performance art", where people are hired to act as part f the piece and the message therein.

This is a work that invites interpretation.

How many people looked at this and thought it was a message on the Corporate beating of lower class minorities and races? What if I told you that the previous installation of this piece had a white man polishing the shoes? How would this change your outlook on the piece?

What is being said, exactly? More so OUTSIDE the consumerism outlook? The man is not chained to the piece. Is that meant to imply that we willingly give ourselves over to to these corporate entities? Or is it to imply that we, at any pint, can run away from our captors?

I love art in all forms. So much more than a pretty picture.


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