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Cringe - I can't believe anyone would put down an innocent child.

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I like how on KYM abortion is okay, and women's rights are okay (so women have the right to choose). But if the baby is disabled, then abortion is not okay and to hell with a woman's right to choose!

Abortion is the same regardless of the skin, gender, abilities of the child. You can't be for it and against it except in the case of rape (that opens a whole buttload of other issues).

Also, you guys are oversimplifying the issue. You all act like abortion is something would-be parents decide on a whim. "Down syndrome baby? Let me get my coat hanger, EL-OH-EL!!!"

Fuck no!

That type of decision can eat at someone for years and really shatter them. Sure, there are some fucked up people who don't care, but a lot of people take abortions as a last option and only when they are sure that it is best for everyone. Maybe the parents just aren't good enough/experienced enough to raise a disabled child well. Do you think mothers don't care? That the fathers don't care? It's heartbreaking.


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