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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to Dirt Wizard

Yeah, for me it was two reasons:

1) the reactions the Gems had to the situation all felt pretty realistic, and, seriously, hearing Pearl break break down like that and Garnet becoming so desperate she thinks shaking Steven violently is the only thing left to do made me feel like "oh gosh this is probably how I'd act if someone I knew was basically dying in front of me…"

2) I can actually kinda relate to Steven's little existential crisis. My own birthday is the same week this very episode aired (odd coincidence huh?), but thing is, I'm in my 20s. I'm already "grown up," but yet I admit I'm a bit unsure of my future. I know I shouldn't worry about it so much, and really I do tend to lean more towards being optimistic, but yeah I have my moments where I worry about where I'll be once I reach the age my parents are at.

Long story short: yep, this episode was a direct hit to the feels.


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