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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

Have bad news that you had losses this past fiscal year? Report good things to drown it out with hype!

I mean sure the financial news may not be great, but truth is that I've been hearing people preach "Nintendoomed" for so many years that it's getting old. They're not in the same situation as Sega, if anything Sony's closer to Sega right now in terms of similarities (PS4 is doing well, but then again the Dreamcast was also doing better compared to the Saturn, and it wasn't enough, and Sony is facing even WORSE financial problems, with their stocks being downgraded to "JUNK" status).

Not even trying to be an annoying fan about this either as I DO want a PS4 at some point, but I'm just saying, the similarities between Sony and Sega are stronger than Nintendo and Sega.


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