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WOW the original was racist. (fact it was a dark time in America (domestic) history)

Thing is ALL axis contrys had one major flaw, there where too militarized meaning that the industrial sectors suffered eventually killing there respective economy's (Italy had it worst already having been at war (in Africa) for a decade.)

A martial socility can not live long (this was also happened to the state of Sparta).

…but most of that's irrelevant, just…why do we have to keep pushing this?


in reply to Ltblackcoat

Some were upset by Flash Sentry, others seemed to take up the meme to mock some of the overreactions, then it just got into a cycle because of standard meme behavior. The couple clever/funny jokes about this doesn't help with overuse either (on a sidenote, at least this example has a modicum of creativity and effort). It actually seemed to have mostly died down (it was at its peak when the EqG hype was highest), not totally sure why there's a sudden surge of it now.


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