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To which the Horse-News guys responded (http://horsenews.tumblr.com/post/90867593100/mlp-horsenews-i-hope-karma-gets-you-fucking-bastards):

You seem to be laboring under at least one of several delusions
Options include:
A) that you think /mlp/ is one person
B) that you think the majority of /mlp/ even approved of his actions
C) that every action /mlp/ has ever taken has been negative
D) that we speak for /mlp/
E) that horse news had ANYTHING to do with the theft of the plushie
F) that your rage doesn’t give us an erection
G) that anyone on Tumblr would ever be able to make Horse-News shut down
H) that all bronies are represented by the actions of one thief
I) that people on /mlp/ are bronies
J) that you aren’t mad


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