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10625 Views Created 10 years ago By ratalada • Updated 6 years ago

Created By ratalada • Updated 6 years ago

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Dear Polnareff

Re: Zoe Quinn, Female Game Developers, and Transgendered persons From: "Super Admin" <> Tuesday, August 19, 2014 8:00 PM . To: Jean-Pierre Polnareff Full Headers Printable View You journalist are an odd bunch, I will answer your question here so I don't have to wait to days 1. The Fine Young Capitalists's policies on transgendered women were "backwards" due to how TFYC defined what qualities counted as being transgendered When shown a link containing the policy on the website she claimed that the current transgendered policy has been changed from what she is describing Transgender politics are in an absurdly poor place at the moment. Many people jump to anger without reading anything. The guidelines were and always were As long as you self identify as a woman, you were considered a woman. This was explained in both videos and on the page. The only cut off point was that you had to self identify before the contest started. This is the same language we use for our other contest Snless regarding Race, and will be the same language we use in every contest This language was used for two reasons 1.) It allowed people with out identification to apply (And as the contest was global this would be impossible in certain areas.) 2.) It prevented people from switch gender identity to gain access to the contest. This was an issue because we estimated 10% of our applicants would be men lying to get in. This turned out to be 8%. We did not want to enter situation where we would have to arbitrate the gender identity of person 3.) It written so you have to self identify before a certain date, this is so if question by authorities in a country where being trans was illegal the person would not be swearing to the fact that they are currently trans This text was approved by a lawyer and designed by a socialogy student Further more we did a video explaining the gender is a construct and this was released 2 month before Zoe spoke with us (Grief you can see it here and rather explict in defining gender as a construct. She was sent the video and she found it offensive or at least said it was on her twitter. We did use the word transition in the FAQ it is defined by GLAAD as Altering one's birth sex is not a one-step procedure; it is a complex process that occurs over a long period of time. Transition includes some or all of the following personal, medical, and legal steps: telling one's family, friends, and co-workers, using a different name and new pronouns; dressing differently changing one's name and/or sex on legal documents; hormone therapy; and possibly (though not always) one or more types of surgery. The exact steps involved in transition vary from person to person. I understand that she may consider transition to require a sex change we do not. We can not find a single LGBT rights group that does not define Transition using a similar definition to GLAAD. All of them specifically mention transitioning not require the person to have sex reassignment surgery. What it meant to them was left that up to the applicant which were the guidelines presented to us and we followed to the letter. She clearly jumped the gun and multiple people pointed it out to her over the course of the next hours and she repeatly correct them saying that people had to have a sex change but did not reference particular text. And we certainly didn't know how to correct her with out making her look incompetent on the issue which she apparently feel deeply about. We contacted her multiple times via phone to deal with the journalists. She did not answer, we contacted her via email and she has not responded after the fact , espically in relationship to the 2. She believed it to be "weird" that your company was taking the Intellectual Property rights to the games for themselves and distributing the profit not to the person who came up with the game idea, but to charity. We don't take the intellectual property rights. We license them from the creator, and then release the code open source and the art under creative commons We then monetize the software through traditional channels for people who are to lazy to compile it. The contest was aimed at people who are unable to program, and had an idea for the game that would not be made under normal circumstances and this was clearly labeled as "Any woman regardless of skill age or experience can submit an IDEA." They would then be paired with experienced professional in the industry so they could present the idea The creator had to provide their idea under creative commons and this was explictly said in the application form and in the contest rule This is not new, in Canada for instance the CMF will run funds where they can own up to 50% of a production, and thus be entitled to 50% of the profits for the production that they push back into their non profit (In this case the CMF which is used to fund further project.) We simply took a larger percentage and require significantly less upfront over head (I.E. None), and less experience. Valve runs contests where people design props for TF2 and the profits are donated in part to non profits and private individuals. And the Humble Indie Bundle does pay what you want charity drives continually. We no idea why anyone would have problem with this model as the applicant recieves 8% of the profits for writting less the 2000 words and is given first billing on the credits we are even more confused. We consulted with multiple people in the industry and in the activist field the majority had no problem with it I understand why she would think it is unusal, we don't understand why it's wrong. More over we don't understand why it's not an oppertunity for a woman to increase her portfolio. The losers all gained access to their art We personally think that this had less to do with malace and more to do with simply her inexperience on both topics. We completely feel she acted in an inappropiate manner and we assumed that we could contact her and let it blow over. Nether of these things happen. Zoe was one voice in multiple that shared these opinions and we have a list of other woman who acted in a similar matter that we will not be providing the public Unless there are other question consider this a complete answer.
Origin Entry:

Zoë Quinn


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