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GamerGate - Looks like we missed this piece (It goes on) (Also, found on Cheshire Cat Studios' latest post in de...

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(rereading hole log)..
Ah, I remember this one. Proved me how much a hypocrite one person can be really. He points that because there an small portion of harassment and no leader that GamerGate is a failed movement on its own…How despicable can you be to agree with the issues, and then suddenly discredit the entirety because of nick picking. GamerGate has goals, and had accomplish them to. First was getting the attention to the mainstream media, next farther spread of the message while sending E-mails to advertisers on the mistrust and violations in journalist ethics.

How hypocritical can you be to repeat history when you are a youtuber that talks about history! No movement is perfect and each is different in it’s own way or appeal. Movements are lead by people that will at times embody power in leaders, but that’s not GamerGate. We believe that we are all equal in this and have organised properly to achieve goals within 3 months of this entire thing. For him to discredit this for not being like others is selective and undermining the principles at hand that need to be address.

I can’t support a person that can’t feel for something because it’s different or place bias/poor research before facts. At least in the end of this we will know who truly cares for our culture and who profits off of it with ignorant bliss.


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