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Nekoromancer  the Poorfag
Nekoromancer the Poorfag

"Hi my name is letsgo and i will tell my story

I was on the internetz searching for some place to buy Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. I didn't find a gus price, then a shady old man teleported in my room. Me "wtf jumper" Old man:: "lal. here your game you can have ir for free. this game was owned by a kid named ben that is kill now" Me:"but the game come out today" Old man:"stfu"

I put the game in my console, and put in the normal Smash mode, i choose my favorite character: Yoshi. Ok stage select. only one stage was avalible, the preview icon as just a black screen. I selectei it, and it took exactaly 6.66 sconds to load, The only character that moves was me, the other CPU was in a T pose, the music was [gasp] LAVANDER TOWN THEME!!!31 after few seconds, Marth amiibo showed up in the screen and said "ayy lmao" after that, the song was reversed, and Yoshee looked like in this pic. Me:"wtf this is super paper yoshy lol"

Few seconhours later, the CPU rival started to bleed le hyper realistic blood. That moment I noticed: THIS IS A ROM HACK!! actually no, I noticed that the old man stole my wallet! what a fuking faggot! He fooled me 3 times, he is officialy that guy, fuck you

After that Marth Amiibo showed up again and said 'your waifu is shit'. I was so scared that I suicided myself. Never EVER buying something form ebay again"

Gramatical error are proposital… i guess


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