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Tivictus (Zinnia is my Waifu)
Tivictus (Zinnia is my Waifu)

It's reasons like this why I'm lad ORAS was made, aside from me visiting Hoenn for the first time. After games like Black and White, Black and White 2, X and Y, etc. etc. the writers have really gotten a knack for writing in the characters of the games.

Kinda makes me wonder how things will turn out in Diamond and Pearl remakes come several years.


Shit like this happens in the game a lot.

in the ending before the delta episode, there's a conversation between your PC's mom and dad in the game about how he can't go on a trip that the mom bought tickets for, so she gives the tickets to your PC and Brendan/May.

the wording of the matter is actually kinda sad, because the mom and dad sound REALLY bummed that neither of them can go.

Then there's a bit after you beat your PC's dad in a pokemon battle where he and Wally's dad reminisce about you and Wally's younger days while you go off to the next gym. it's little stuff like that really sells the remakes to me.


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