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At the same time, there were other people, all of them related to "Fazzbear's pizza" dealing with the other animatronics trying to break into their homes. In the thrid image a security camera spots Chica in a front door, then she also dissapears like Bonnie does. There will be also one of Foxy inside someone's house.

Some people have no idea why or what's going on, but others, the oldest and most important people from that company do know, but even that they are aware of the risks, they preffer to stand this situation in their own, withouth telling anyone, just like their security guards did. They don't even warn to their other colleagues, wich makes things way stranger.

The thing is that, and this just according to my personal vision of the game, is that the animatronics are seeking revenge against that people, because all of us who played that game can sense those who administrate that place are have very suspicious reasons to allow all of the dangerous stuff that happens at night and even hire more ignorant workers to risks their lives. Specially those who worked back in the time of teh most tragic incidents on the restaurant, such as the bite of 87 and the children who dissapeared in there.

by Brejchova


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