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Our Guy
Our Guy

Raging over-simplification. It really paints girls as one homogenous group of awful people, solely responsible for the isolation of nerdier people.

I went to an all-boys school where bullying was generally not as tolerated, and the geekier types still split themselves off early on, without being harassed. Birds of a feather and all that. I was pretty into gaming, but I wasn't part of that group. A few friends were into it too, so we'd ask them for advice on consoles and stuff, discuss new releases and all that. They were awkward enough, hard to draw conversation from sometimes, but generally nice guys.

One thing I'll say is, they were the most accepting group of guys in my year by a long way. Always vocally fine about people who were gay or anything, even when, in those kind of teenage years it wasn't common to be like that. It's pretty telling that, out of about five guys who have come out who were in my year, only the guy who was part of the geeky crew felt confident enough in his friends to come out while still in school.


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