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Sonic the Hedgehog - How dare you call it terrible!?! It only gets terrible when it's in 3D

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in reply to Alcom1

Meanwhile, a tool-assisted speedrun of The Mask for SNES looks more like what "blast processing" and "gotta go fast" were supposed to be. The most common comment for such videos is "now THIS is blast processing!" And no need to break the game. It was made to be fast.

The fact the Mask does a "forehead slide" (when you hit the ceiling, you keep your horizontal momentum) was a glitch – it was supposed to stop you, but was kept in because you gotta go smokin'.

For comparision, a Sonic 2 TAS clocks at around 16 minutes, and on-hands by experts clocks at 25. Sonic is also more unforgiving if you aren't fast and accurate. And lucky – Apparently some wizardry was involved since blast processing wasn't enough, so at low level you have situations where you do exactly the same input at the same point and get different outcomes with every try – and usually one of the outcomes is you falling off a high platform because the processor blasted your collision detection even though you made the jump so you leave the "fast lane". Once that happens, you're punished HARD.


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