VIGILO CONFIDO! | X-COM | Know Your Meme
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3812 Views Created 9 years ago By Butts • Updated 4 years ago

Created By Butts • Updated 4 years ago

XcOM2 Xcom 2: I feel like the bad guy noW (self. Xcom) Seriously, xcom is basically terrorists now. I know they will have to implement something to make us hate them like concentration camps and people eating, but those cities look like good living, the scanners look less invasive than what we have now, aliens would probably fix a bunch of our problems, and the only logical reason for so much security is to stop xcom anyway. From what I see, they're basically romans. Vicious and conquering, but they also modernize the area and improve the standard of living. EDIT: Woah this got way more attention than I thought it would. Just want to say this isn't what I believe, just an interesting point of view to consider Rougey 299 points 13 hours ago Shut the f--- up rookie, that's collaborator talk. Oh things are dandy now in the cities, but when you and the next generation of your family are slaving away on the offworld elerium mines and cooking up your mother in law dinner, you'll have wished you did something. Now help me strap this C4 vest to Jenkins.
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