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There's a certain time when you have to look at something and go "That's it, that's fucking it we've crossed the line. We haven't just crossed the line, no no, we stepped over the line, jumped back over rubbed our ass cheeks in the faces of the people begging us not to cross the line and jump right back over the line and do the most flamboyant touch down dance the world has ever seen."

Gentlemen…….this is not that time. Now we need Carlton pony.


in reply to Lizardguy

Hey, that was me! All the way back in 2012, whew!

Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute just sit real still
I’ll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Ponyville

In west Fillydelphia born and raised
On the playground where I spent most of my days
Chilling out, maxing, 20 percent cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of stallions, they were up to no good
Started making trouble in my NEIGHborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got all ill
And said “You’re moving with your auntie Zecora in Ponyville”

I whistled for a carriage and when it came near the
License plate said “fresh” and had dice in the mirror
If anything I say this carriage was a rarity
But I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to Everfree!

I pulled up to a house about seven or eight
And I yelled to the cabby “Yo, homes smell you later!”
Looked at my kingdom and I finally thought
This place is even better than ol’ Canterlot



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