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Disney has regained the respect I lost since the news for Frozen 2.

(And before you all say that I'm hating Disney for making a sequel to Frozen just look up Cinderella 2, or as Caddicarus called it: "Unspeakable Garbage")


in reply to Swoot

First, Cinderella 2 was made by Disney TOON Studios, and they made all the direct-to-video sequels (until John Lasseter said that they can't do sequels to Disney movies anymore), and even then, quite a few of those are actually pretty good (though Cinderella 2 is NOT one of those few).
Second, the movie is going to be made by Disney Animation Studios, and they also made sequels like Fantasia 2000 and Rescuers Down Under, wich are considered some of the best sequels ever made.


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