26 Views • Created June 09, 2015 By Mr T • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By Mr T • Updated March 23, 2023
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.Gift For My Girlfriend The Perfect Love Song !!!
I would like to dedicate this love song to a very special friend of mine. She has helped me through some very difficult and dark times, and I dedicate this gift for my girlfriend, this top 10 love song.
Bad English is the band and the song is called 'The Price Of Love' a perfect romance song, for you, I show my compassion and emotion for your unwavering support.
Our friendship has grown stronger in the 9 months since I found Nicole, and she has been the light at the end of dark tunnel and pulled me through so much, I cannot thank her enough. I was not looking for love, only friendship and understanding, I thank you for your patience, in return here is my gift for her my girlfriend, enjoy your song.
The distance between us is great. But we always find the time to communicate and be open in so many wonderful and special ways, and this is my way of saying 'Thank You' and here is the best gift for my girlfriend, and a message of my love for you.
Our relationship has grown into more than words can say here, and I found it difficult to express my emotions and love, yet, I know this is the most perfect love song about the meaning of friendship.
In this romance video I just want to let you know that someday I hope to meet you and see you in person and this gift for my girlfriend and our love always becoming stronger, I await for that day.
I would like to dedicate this love song to a very special friend of mine. She has helped me through some very difficult and dark times, and I dedicate this gift for my girlfriend, this top 10 love song.
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