28 Views Created November 01, 2015 By FinnOtaku • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By FinnOtaku • Updated March 23, 2023

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C-Side of YTPMV

Origin Entry: Medley of YTPMV


3rd installment in the YTPMV Medley series.


EDIT#4 30/05/2015: Thank you Nebulon Ranger, this is pretty good 8D http://nebulonranger.org/2015/05/30/c-side-of-ytpmv-remastered-edition/ EDIT#3 01/10/2014: Seems like Italians have managed to do what I haven't =P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD7YskGDZUk EDIT#2 08/07/2013: Now this is what I'd call a good example of what I'd like to see more: http://soundcloud.com/philscheberg/c-side-of-ytpmv-more-retro And by that, I mean remixes of medleys =D EDIT 16/05/2013: As a really late thank you for 1000 subs, I'll present to you…

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