984 Views Created May 02, 2016 By MrToilet • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By MrToilet • Updated March 23, 2023

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WARFRAME: How To Get Syndicate Reputation Fast [100k+ Rep]

Origin Entry: Warframe


I managed to get 200k+ rep in a day just by using the medallions. It requires some dedication tho, that's why I put 100k+ in the title/video. Not everyone is gonna farm them for 8-10h a day.

But its worth it if you really need rep and you have nothing else to do (most high mr players) or if you wanna get the new syndicate primaries quicker to keep/trade/sell them.

This is a method I've been using for a while to farm syndicate reputation. I don't think there's a faster way to farm rep, but if there is, tell me the trick lel.
Hope DE won't nerf it.


I managed to get 200k+ rep in a day just by using the medallions. It requires some dedication tho, that's why I put 100k+ in the title/video. Not everyone is gonna farm them for 8-10h a day.

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