44 Views Created July 29, 2019 By Felix Degenaar • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Felix Degenaar • Updated March 23, 2023

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Louis van Gaal on music


Are you really that stupid, Ted van Leeuwen? Are you really THAT stupid, or something else?

Have I not started by saying that I have to defend Ajax’ interests?
Have I not started by saying that we have agreements with our players? WHY do you ASK THIS QUESTION then?!? Am I the one who is so smart, or are you so DUMB?!

I have with those players an understanding. And who gives anyone the RIGHT… to question those players, if those players don't personally agree with it…?!

[unintelligible sports journalist whimpering]

Oh, oh, oh, oh… I would think I worded this statement civil enough?! And now – yet again – I am the arrogant bastard, or the authoritarian a------. But these are all STUPID questions. From CHRIS and from YOU just now.

You should go ask Theo van Seggelen, not me.

[more unintelligible sports journalist whimpering]

Okay now, if you still don't comprehend: SORRY. That's enough. I worded it fine and well; you are allowed to write it down, you are even allowed to have your little SAY about it… FINE!


Mijn andere Youtube-account was helaas verwijderd, dus heb ik deze opnieuw geplaatst. Had ongeveer 200.000 hits, die zijn nu ook weg… :-( Maar boze mensen zijn nog steeds leuker met een muziekje eronder, so enjoy! Dit filmpje was ook al te zien op DWDD.

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