630 Views • Created February 13, 2012 • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created • Updated March 23, 2023
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.TACNAYN {original}
Tacnayn, (pronounced Tac-9, or in his native tongue a complex series of clicks and shrill cries) his very name brings children to tears. Tacnayn's return heralds the end of reality as we know it; within the next year the seas will boil and skulls will rain down from blood-filled clouds. (Parents remember to keep your children indoors for the skull rain thing.) Every 22079460347 years Tacnayn's universe, the reverse-verse, merges with our own in a battle for reality supremacy! Donning the evil belgian-waffle armor Tacnayn cannot be harmed by our puny mortal weapons; only his arch-nemesis, NYAN CAT is powerful enough to tear through his golden, delicious hide.
So, remember to keep your eye out for blood red clouds and boiling seas; just stay in those days and make yourself some hot-pockets.
Credit to FrankieDudeUltimate for creating TACNAYN,
Credit to the original creator of the song,
the compilation and editing was done by yours truly.
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