149 Views Created November 15, 2021 By Davey Gunface • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Davey Gunface • Updated March 23, 2023

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Tags: pokémon, pokédex, war crimes, venusaur, charmeleon, charizard, pidgeot, raticate, ninetales, dugtrio, mankey, primeape, kadabra, machamp, magnemite, magneton, magnezone, gastly, haunter, gengar, kingler, gigantamax kingler, voltorb, electrode, marowak, alolan marowak, lickitung, rhyhorn, magmar, gyarados, ditto, eevee, gigantamax eevee, kabutops, aerodactyl, mega aerodactyl, articuno, zapdos, moltres, galarian moltres, dragonair, bayleef, lanturn, bellossom, umbreon, pineco, magcargo, houndoom, kingdra, porygon2, porygon-z, stantler, magby, entei, larvitar, pupitar, tyranitar, mega tyranitar, lugia, poochyena, zigzagoon, kirlia, gardevoir, shroomish, breloom, shedinja, whismur, loudred, exploud, sableye, mawile, aron, aggron, manectric, swalot, carvanha, sharpedo, camerupt, grumpig, trapinch, vibrava, flygon, cacturne, solrock, whiscash, lileep, cradily, banette, dusclops, glalie, gorebyss, salamence, kyogre, groudon, jirachi, rampardos, drifloon, drifblim, bronzong, hippowdon, abomasnow, lickilicky, dusknoir, froslass, gigalith, excadrill, seismitoad, scrafty, cofagrigus, gothorita, vanilluxe, karrablast, amoonguss, frillish, jellicent, beheeyem, litwick, lampent, chandelure, afterlife, cryogonal, stunfisk, galarian stunfisk, golurk, bouffalant, hydreigon, tornadus, thundurus, reshiram, zekrom, fletchinder, honedge, aegislash, malamar, dragalge, tyrunt, amaura, aurorus, sliggoo, phantump, trevenant, pumpkaboo, gourgeist, noivern, yveltal, crabominable, oricorio, sandygast, turtonator, drampa, tapu koko, nihilego, celesteela, kartana, guzzlord, necrozma, dawn wings necrozma, corviknight, gigantamax corviknight, orbeetle, gigantamax orbeetle, flapple, toxtricity, gigantamax toxtricity, sinistea, morgrem, frosmoth, eternatus, spectrier,

An incredibly short video detailing Pokédex War Crimes

Origin Entry: Pokémon


This very well might have been a mistakeDiscord: https://discord.gg/nAhj6bW5MQTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/daveygunfacePatreon: https://www.patreon.com/dave…

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