121 Views Created April 16, 2022 By UkraineOnline • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By UkraineOnline • Updated March 23, 2023

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Oleksiy Arestovych, aide to Zelensky administration chief of staff Yermak, likens the fire on Moskva...

Origin Entry: Moskva Sinking


I also want to note that it's kind of a cultural thing for Russia to claim it wasn't the enemy that leads to trouble, but rather, incompetence. When breaking bad news is inevitable, they'd view the "accidental ammunition explosion" story as a less-shameful way to admit they've faced a setback, as if Russia can only lose if they allow for it to happen.

Makes the use of their "Can't tell if it was really us" rhetoric against them by Ukraine funnier.


Some kind of suddenness happened with the battleship "Moscow". An epic interview with an adviser to the Head of the President's Office Oleksiy Arestovych.

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