670 Views • Created August 17, 2013 By Patapon64 • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By Patapon64 • Updated March 23, 2023
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Youtube Poop: What Happens When You Bring a Tool to a Toolfight
Origin Entry:
Nanomachines, Son
Just as a warning, rapidly flashing colors/lights/images within, so I highly recommend that those with epilepsy do not watch this. Harsh noise inbound, as well.
Just want to make sure that people can have a good time while not putting themselves at risk for injury, etc.
The 3rd episode of my MGR poops! I put lots of time and effort into this one so enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In tonight's episode, Armstrong displays his ability to mimic an electric fan to Monsoon. In a surge of fascination, Monsoon requests Armstrong to "blow him"(usual dirty jokes). However, Armstrong declines.
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