296 Views Created January 30, 2014 By Suraj Dighe • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Suraj Dighe • Updated March 23, 2023

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Stop Motion Animation "Slug" Good Morning

Origin Entry:


At once in rainy season when I woke up, I found one Slug in my study room. I got an idea to make one good animation with Snail as a leading character.
So moving on without hurting that Slug I planned to take few shots of Slug & finally done with the task at my best.

Only the light factor was not too much good as I expected, but anyway it was a good experience to have live character shoot.

It's my own sound in the background, but you can tolerate it & moreover it was good fun while recording the sound.


At once in rainy season when I woke up, I found one Slug in my study room. I got an idea to make one good animation with Snail as a leading character. So moving on without hurting that Slug I planned to take few shots of Slug & finally done with the task at my best.

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