93 Views Created September 16, 2014 By PodunktonStudios • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By PodunktonStudios • Updated March 23, 2023

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ProjectDCK: Ode to Cigarette - CLASSIC (2004)

Origin Entry: Gaia Online


In late 2003, a Go-Gaia user named "C--------" said on the site's forum that she's dying of a terminal brain cancer. Many other users believed her and immediately sent her some virtual items, real paper cranes, and pictures of paper cranes. "Cycon", another user, jokingly made fun of C--------'s claim and was harassed as a result. When C-------- reappeared months later, Cycon uploaded this Flash animation at Newgrounds, where it gained almost 300,000 views.

Source: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/148494


This is the very first cartoon we EVER made. Originally posted on Newgrounds February 2, 2004. Original Link: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/148494 C--------, a www.go-gaia.com user, claims to be dying of terminal brain cancer. She confesses to Cycon that it is merely a scam to get attention and tells him that he is stupid.

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