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People are already claiming that Jurassic World was sexist (Spoiler Alert)

Last posted Jul 01, 2015 at 12:01PM EDT. Added Jun 22, 2015 at 03:08AM EDT
18 posts from 15 users

>She’s not a heroic sacrifice, or a funny yet squeamish gag death. She’s not cathartic at all. She didn’t deserve it. Unless. Unless the movie kind of thinks she does.

You can literally pinpoint the moment in which they became enlightened by their own intelligence

I'll be honest, I do think the death was kinda horrific, and I'm not really a guy that likes seeing characters die in general. Personally, I would have been fine without it.

However, that is just me being the sheltered child I am, and I would have felt the same way if t was a male character. I really think it's a stretch to call it sexism. I think it was more of a joke towards the fact that that this was the first time a female was confirmed to have been killed by one of the prehistoric animals in the Jurassic Park films. (Though still not dinosaurs, seeing as neither pterosaurs nor mosasaurs are dinosaurs). As the thing states, while their death was not explicitly confirmed, the I-rex did take on a team of the ADU troops, which I remember had at least one female (if not more) in their ranks.

TBH, I also don't remember that scene being very graphic either. When the mosasaur jumps up to grab the pterosaur, you can just barely see Claire’s assistant before the jaws snap shut. A horrible way to die (especially considering she may not have been dead even after the mouth actually closed) but nothing I would consider gorey, at least, not any more so than the cage in JPIII (which also had a female character attacked (and survive) pterosaur attacks.

"So what the hell did Zara do to deserve this?"
The Jurassic Park films are dinosaur horror movies. Sure, I'd love to see only bad things happen to bad guys, but there are plenty of people killed in the first film, on Isla Sorna, in San Diego and of the ADU troopers and were not villains. Why is "deserved to die" something that is important now?

“So what the hell did Zara do to deserve this?”

This is somewhat ridiculous to ask. Almost nobody deserves to die in thriller movies. But that's the point. We watch thrillers to see innocent people/cities get destroyed. We want the movie to invoke our emotions of disgust, horror and remorse. That's what makes them, you know, thrillers.

I'm pretty sure the Jurassic Park series is supposed to push boundaries on horrific human consumption-via-dinosaur and the writer of that blog post must surely be aware of that also. Especially if that writer had watched the previous incarnations as claimed. All of which were bloody

I highly doubt that Zara got that death scene for being her. It's more likely she got that scene because it was plot convenient. Why make it more gruesome than the rest? Because the film needs that one super horrific scene that you'll remember, but not too many or else it loses effect. If that's gonna be Zara's scene, so be it as long as it works in the script. I don't see reason for think much more of it.

So for that reason, I think that whole blog post must be some joke and is not to be taken with full seriousness.

This person comes off as a dainty film novice with absolutely no stomach. OH NO! GORE IN A DINOSAUR MOVIE! Well fucking waaaah

If that's something you cannot handle then why even watch Jurassic Park? That's like going to watch Bride of Chucky when you have a chronic fear of puppets and complaining that the movie contained killer puppets.

If you like dinosaurs, but don't like gore then I'm sure The Land Before Time is available in your local video stores

And the sexism angle also comes out of nowhere. So its sexist that a woman was eaten brutally? Right, I'm sure nobody would have complained if a man was in that scene instead. The series has been killing men like expendable nobodies for decades. I'd call that sexist towards men by the same damn logic. Wouldn't it also be sexist if Jurassic Park never killed off a single woman? As if Women aren't good enough to get a grisly horror scene and instead need to be sheltered from such things like weak willed princesses that can't leave the tower? Of course it would be. Let's all look for reasons to call things sexist where it's very likely that sexist ideology was never applied. That's how Tumblr works, after all

What would this person prefer? That Dinosaurs had some sort of morality compass that lets them pick and choose what to instinctively eat? Forget being mindless dumb reptiles that obey only the most primal instincts. No make sure they are honorable knights that only eat the dude with the gun and carry the damsel in distress back to canterlot. But consider me glad that the movie ignores what we think is right and instead shows the dinosaurs doing what Dinosaurs think is right which is eat anything that moves. Anything else would destroy the plausibility.

In a decent film: the series should kill whoever is most sensible to kill for the narrative and logic to follow. If it doesn't matter what gender is involved, then that would be equality. But NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo let's get offended at EVERYTHING. Watch out! the sexism demons lurk in every shadow! We gotta call them all out! Hashtag Hashtag Hashtag Hashtag

"So what the hell did Zara do to deserve this?"

What did that helicopter pilot do to deserve getting impaled through the chest? What did all those bystanders do to deserve getting mauled, trampled, and yes some did die, by those flying dinos? What did most of the containment team do to deserve their deaths? That inattentive guard arguably didn't deserve to die.

Oh, but let's not forget what qualifies as being worthy of death.

"the annoying kids who just would not die"

It's not okay to kill Zara, but it is okay to kill two kids. Why? Because they're guys apparently. The boss losing control of the helicopter as it slowly crashes to the ground and bursts into flames? That's just him being an "idiot boss" and a typical male fantasy of being badass.

Maybe I'm looking too deep into this persons post. But the author seems really trigger happy to kill chars if they're male. Especially if they're bad men who don't follow everything women tell them to do.

Also, as a final point, Zara spent so much time on her phone, she lost track of 2 kids, and facilitated them getting lost in the park in the first place. You want to know why she got the horrible death? There it is.

Lawyer in Jurassic Park 1 left the kids to get eaten, and look how he went out.

>Claiming multiple people are calling Jurassic World sexist in the thread title
>Only supplying one link to a tumblr post
>Misleading title.jpeg

A more accurate title would be "Random Person on Tumblr Called Jurassic World Sexist"

Seriously, I question why this is worth making a fuss over? Tumblr is a site with literally millions of users, with a small percentage of those users being loud, obnoxious extremists. Of course someone is going to be making a post about how offensive to minority group x the movie is. You liked the movie? Great. Some random schmuck on the internet made asinine complaints about it? Don't care.

Some people are having fun in here arguing and making counter-rants so it's not like this thread is useless or anything, but I just felt the need to say my piece on the matter.

Look, I watch the Jurassic Park films for one thing. Story, and more importantly, the dinosaurs. They're on an island full of genetically modified extinct creatures. Why I love the Jurassic Park films, is because people think they always have control of these "animals". They don't, they never do. That's why their deaths, mainly the minor character deaths, don't phase me. To me, it's a one big trip of, "Oh, I knew it" and "I told you so".
The civilians getting hurt or killed, I don't care. The soldiers and scientist, I don't care. An assistant with hardly any screen time and didn't care about the children? Yeah, still don't care.
Plus, like Crimson Locks said, it's from a random person on tumblr calling it sexist. For fucks sake, some called Chris Pratt, too "brown" or trying to do black face. Guess what, white people tan. Also, his role in the film he is an ex-navy soldier and someone who's always working with the raptors outdoors. So yeah, having a pasty white person doing outside work and looking hard ass doesn't look quite that convincing.

Was it a gruesome death? Yes. But, lets be clear, it was awesome. So, yeah, money well spent.

Crimson Locks wrote:

>Claiming multiple people are calling Jurassic World sexist in the thread title
>Only supplying one link to a tumblr post
>Misleading title.jpeg

A more accurate title would be "Random Person on Tumblr Called Jurassic World Sexist"

Seriously, I question why this is worth making a fuss over? Tumblr is a site with literally millions of users, with a small percentage of those users being loud, obnoxious extremists. Of course someone is going to be making a post about how offensive to minority group x the movie is. You liked the movie? Great. Some random schmuck on the internet made asinine complaints about it? Don't care.

Some people are having fun in here arguing and making counter-rants so it's not like this thread is useless or anything, but I just felt the need to say my piece on the matter.

Last edited Jun 22, 2015 at 07:53AM EDT

Most of the time i'm on the side of feminists and "sjw"s (if you can call them that), but in this case, it's just stupid. It's a thriller/horror movie involving dinosaurs, people are supposed to die. It's not even gorey, animals just threw her around a bit until being eaten by the gigantic sea-dino thing.

>why dont the kids die?

Because they are the main characters and as such really can't die. (also how the heck are kids more appropriate to be killed than a woman)




Hehehehe. Okay so there's definitely more than one person making this claim and it's not a joke. Although not everyone on tumblr is on board with this it seems

Last edited Jun 22, 2015 at 10:37AM EDT

And just like racism, the meaning of the word sexism has been completely lost today. A movie dinosaur killing a woman who was at the wrong place at the wrong time during a catastrophic emergency situation does not imply that all women are second class citizens compared to men.

Let's not forget how even important folks like Joss Whedon can become pulled into the dumb side of tumblr opinions.

Good old Sensitive Joss Whedon.

It's a blockbuster movie of course it's going to have gender wars surrounding it Age of Ultron did, Mad Max did, I only expected Jurassic World to have them. Personally this person is just dumb. I don't feel like pointing out why as it'd be redundant but they just are. I liked the movie a lot and honestly gender wars just make me nauseous at this point so I'll continue liking the movie. Attacking these points would just be a waste of my time and almost giving them a reason to keep doing this if they don't want people watching this movie because it's sexist middle fingers up to them. It's not like they're going to influence anything. Same with Avengers 2, same with possibly Ant-Man, Star Wars 7, Batman vs Superman, etc. I honestly don't care anymore.

Last edited Jun 22, 2015 at 03:41PM EDT

Farm Zombie wrote:

I'm surprised she wasn't run over by a Coupe while drinking a Coca-Cola.


Anyway, after seeing the movie today… yeah, this claim is bullshit. If you're gonna say the movie's sexist because Zara died brutally, you should probably acknowledge three things: one, she's the first major female character to die in any of the films. Two, Eddie Carr's death in The Lost World was worse. Three, the female ACU member was one of, if not the only one to survive.

Why did the very first person to die in the Jurassic Park series deserve to die? He wasn't doing anything wrong but he just gets dragged away while his friends tried to help him. Hell, let's not stop there. Why did all those doctors in Spider-man 2 have to die? They were trying to cut off Doc Ock's arms to help him, instead they're all brutally murdered. Why did any of those people in a slasher movie die? They were just enjoying being young and alive but they're all just butchered. Hell you know what Why do all the good people in OUR world die awful deaths? What did they do to deserve them?

I could keep doing this all day but to spare us all I'll just end with this, PEOPLE DIE. Some more brutal than others, some are men, some are women, some are children, some are old. People are going to die in a movie full of dinosaurs, just cause we show a woman die in a movie that "Doesn't deserve it" doesn't mean the makers of said movie have this woman murdering agenda in their movies. Tl;dr I get rustled by normal Tumblr stupidity.

Well I gotta say, her death DID shake me a little bit.

Tickled the trauma bone regarding one of my most prevalent childhood fears. Deep water.

It didn't "trigger" me, but it did hit a little closer to home XD


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