"Come On, It's 2015" / Current Year
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"Come On, It's 2015", sometimes iterated as >[Current Year] or "It's 2015," is a catchphrase expression often said by users on 4chan's /pol/ (politically incorrect) board to mock English comedian and pundit John Oliver's frequent resort to reminding his viewers of the present year as a straw man argument against ideas and beliefs which he deems to be old-fashioned or conservative.
Mentioning the present year has long been used by liberals as a rhetorical device to promote progressive agendas and dismiss conservative beliefs, particularly in the context of issue-specific political debates, with the earliest known online satire of the phrase attributed to an Onion article published in February 2014 with the headline "Report: Stating Current Year Still Leading Argument For Social Reform" (shown below, left). However, the phrase "I mean, come on people, it's [current year]" became a popular fodder for mockeries in late 2015 after it was recognized by users of 4chan as a signature line associated with John Oliver on his late-night TV talk show Last Week Tonight; the oldest 4chan parody of the expression as used by John Oliver can be found in a /tv/ (television & film) thread submitted on September 3rd, 2015 (shown below, right).

On September 29th, 2015, Bodybuilding Forums user PissBeerBreh highlighted the satirical use of the phrase on 4chan in a discussion thread titled "Come on!!!! It's 2015!!!!!!!!!!!™." In the thread, the original poster (OP) openly criticizes John Oliver's resort to the expression as a logical fallacy:
The argument is literally this: "We are living in a year."
So because we're living in 2015, you need to check your privilege and agree with them or you're a racist bigot homophobic cisshet Islamophobic conservative trans hating KKK member of Westboro Baptist Church.
In the following months, numerous discussion threads addressing the popularity of the expression emerged on other 4chan boards, including /pol/ (politically incorrect), /a/ (anime & manga) and /v/ (video games), where many users similarly began poking fun at the cliched nature of the phrase and dubbed John Oliver the "Le 2015 Man."
By the end of 2015 the expressions started to gain even more popularity, with /pol/ users joking about how John Oliver would get increasingly stressed that 2015 would end. Many threads were created mocking the British Comedian on 4chan boards. Many of these threads eventually were shared on the 4chan subreddit. On New Years Day 2016, user /u/aleon33 shared "Some of you liberals are alright…"[13] on /r/4chan, the post quickly reached the frontpage and as of January 5th 2016 has accumulated about 4894 upvotes and 559 comments.

Usage in Politics
The phrase has been also frequently employed by a multitude of liberal politicians, most notably Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau, as well as many activists in the social justice blogosphere in defense of a wide range of politically progressive agendas.
It's 2017!
On February 6th, 2017, an anonymous 4chan user suggested that /pol/ users troll liberals by turning the "current year" meme against them (shown below).[14]
![Wait does this mean we can turn the "current year" meme towards them? Anonymous ID:tdjp/iJ6 Mon 06 Feb 2017 16:53:01 No. 111408809Report >111402035 Wait does this mean we can turn the "current year" meme towards them? For example syou're still a liberal? Come on, it's 2017 sare you gay? But why, you do know it's 2017 and not the [insert decade] >you support abortion? You're on the wrong side of history, like come on now it's 2017 for God's sakel Expect some royal triggerings](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/225/851/374.jpg)
Some users began subsequently using "it's 2017" ironically in defense of bigotry. captioning pictures of neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan with the expression (shown below).

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External References
[1] 4chan – /pol/ thread #1
[2] 4chan – /a/ thread #1
[3] 4chan – /tv/ thread #1
[4] 4chan – /v/ thread #1
[5] Bodybuilding Forums – Come on!!!! It's 2015!!!!!!!!!!!™
[6] Reddit – John Oliver on /pol/
[7] Reddit – Why Does Everyone Hate John Oliver Now?
[8] Reddit – /tv/ shitposts about John Oliver
[9] Sheeky Forums – The left is turning on le 2015 man
[10] Reddit – Why do so many people comment "It's 2015!" on anything related to John Oliver?
[11] The Onion – Report: Stating Current Year Still Leading Argument For Social Reform
[12] 4chan – /pol/ thread #2
[13] Reddit – Some of you liberals are alright…
[14] 4plebs – Wait does this mean we can turn the "current year" meme towards them? For example
Top Comments
Dec 30, 2015 at 05:48PM EST
Jan 10, 2016 at 02:07AM EST