Dark Knight 4 Pane
Part of a series on Batman. [View Related Entries]

Dark Knight 4-Pane Comics are an exploitable image macro series featuring Batman and the Joker. The conversation revolves around anything from Batman related one-liners to references to other memes. The setup is similar to other 4-panes like CSI 4 Pane Comics or The Rock Driving.
The still images were taken from the interrogation scene in the 2008 Batman film The Dark Knight[1], directed by Christopher Nolan and released in July 2008. In the scene, Batman (played by Christian Bale) is interrogating the Joker (played by Heath Ledger) about his involvement in the disappearances of Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes.
While the exact first instance is unknown, the original template has been attributed to /b/.[7] Some of the earliest versions of the four-pane image macros were posted to Flickr[2] on August 3rd, 2008 and SplatterMail.org[3] on August 8th, 2008, but has since been taken down.

Throughout August and September 2008, the 4pane series continued to spread across a number of image-sharing communities like FunnyJunk[8], Tumblr[9] and Flickr[10], as well as the discussion forum on NolanFans.[11]
The Daily Mail[4] posted a Kanye West mashup version on September 18th, 2009. A few months later, French derivatives appeared on Archos Lounge[5] forums on October 17th, 2009. An alternate version with Batman's surprised face as the final panel first appeared on FunnyJunk[6] on November 28th, 2009.
Notable Examples

Blank Templates

External References
[1] Wikipedia – The Dark Knight (Film)
[3] Wayback Machine – Archive of Too Soon?
[4] Daily Mail – Kanye West's MTV rant at Taylor Swift sparks wave of internet virals
[5] Archos Lounge – Mer il est fou
[6] FunnyJunk – Do You Know Why
[7] Burke Works – Why So Exploitable
[8] FunnyJunk – Search Results for The Dark Knight
[9] Tumblr: Search Results for The Dark Knight
[10] Flickr – Dark Knight 4pane
[11] NolanFans Forum – The Dark Knight
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Jun 29, 2013 at 02:04PM EDT