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Added 12 years ago by loganbo • Updated about a year ago by loganbo
Added 12 years ago by loganbo • Updated about a year ago by loganbo


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Category: Meme Status: deadpool Year: 2012 Origin: At school on my paper Region:
Tags: digo paradox beard superlative hair

Digo (Dee-go)
Digo is a living paradox. What you say it is, it isn't. If you say Digo is a girl, he's actully a boy. But then again he can't be a boy because now he's a girl. But now she's a he because…

Next to that, Digo has a voice to powerful for the human ears, even more than Morgan Freemans voice (sounds impossible) but it isn't. His voice will literally eat anything it touches.

Apperently Digo is an "it" with a beard. That is the only thing Digo, besides its name and face, that it actually has. A beard, a face, and a name. Do not mistake it for a monkey.

The purpose of Digo is no purpose. He is a constant paradox.

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