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Got Milk? is an advertisement campaign designed to help increase milk sales in the United States. Since the campaign’s launch in 1993, numerous parodies and imitations have been found both online and in the real world using the snowclone Got X?


In 1993, The California Milk Processor Board launched the “Got Milk?” advertisement campaign as a way to encourage public consumption of cow’s milk. Working with the ad agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners[1], the first commercial for the campaign aired on October 29th, 1993, featuring a man sitting in a room that appears to be a shrine to the historical duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.[2] In the commercial, the man calls in to a radio station’s trivia contest for a $10,000 prize, but he fails to utter his response with his mouth full of peanut butter sandwhich. Directed by Michael Bay, the commercial went on to win a 1994 Silver Lion award at the Cannes International Advertising Festival, a Gold award at the 1994 CLIO Awards, and was inducted into the CLIOAdvertising Hall of Fame in 2009.[3]

Following the campaign's successful reception, the National Milk Processor Board[4] licensed the slogan for their print ads, pairing the phrase with celebrity portraits of actors, musicians, athletes and fictional characters with a milk mustache. Since its launch in 1995, hundreds of these ads have been published; a collection of 300 "Got Milk?" posters is currently hosted at Creative Criminals.[5] As of May 2012, the campaign continues to remain active on Facebook and Twitter, both under the tagline “Got Milk?”[6][7] and “Milk Mustache Campaign.”[8][9]

Smash hit by Hayden. Body by mitk. rink ma The Drotein Petos b A.wscle some studies suggest got milk?
Your bones may be in jeopardy. One in five osteoporosis victims is male. Luckily, fat free milk has the calcium bones need to help beat it. Beating your Harvard Ph.D. opponents? Well, that's another story got milk?
got milk? Swift pick in this Dsiness, you've the protein helps at free mx a day odya milk


According to Fortune Magazine's article "Got Milk? Got Books? Got a Clue?"[20], copycat campaigns based on the snowclone began appearing as early as 1998, such as "Got Death?" ads for Combat insecticide products and "Got porn?" display sign at an adult bookstore. The article also noted that the California Milk Processor Board saw the parodies as free advertisement for their campaign, despite the unauthorized nature of its usage.

Got Books?
got gas?
Got Rice!?

Also in the late 1990s, “Got Rice?”[25] began appearing as a humorous slogan for Asian-American pride. A parody song using several variations including "Got Rice?" was first shared on Newgrounds[24] in September 2000. In response to the abundance of online parodies, the California Milk Processor Board eventually began selling a poster[22] (below) with 100 “Got Milk?” parody phrases in July 2005. Two years later, The Snowclones Database [23] added “Got X?” to the site. The single topic blog Milking Got Milk[26] was created in November 2009 to aggregate photos of “Got X?” found in real life, with hundreds of instances shared as of May 2012.

gof ripped off? GOT ENERGY? GOT OPTIONS? got celebrities? got faith 9ot trash'? got lungs? got cheese? g0t virtual? GOT THE MUNCHIES? sot problems? got realtors? ot ham ? got loue? got credit? GOT MONEY? gol shrimp? GOT PROTEIN? GOT A JOB? GOT CLOUT? got vision? got promotions? ot change? got ices got taste? GOT COOKIES? got blister? got bones? t bait gol milh paint? got clue? Got jESUS? got clothes? GOT CONFLiCT? Gor SNOW? got in? GoT MUSCLE? got fish? Gt dentitj? got voice? GOTMUSCLE? gut sick? got hair GOT MOLES? got teeth: ot er? got fuel? , got debot life? got lube?COT DEMOCRACY? GOC ARC?' got chocolate? got dirt? got veggies? got gas? ai got beer? GOT SUN? got mnsie?9o beober? got condoms? got heat? got surf? GoT cliENTS? got the blues? got balls? GOT ICE? got goals got yogurt. got silicone? chick GOT COLOR? GOT RESPECT? jot tickets? got light? GOT STAIRS3 GOT EGGS? got news? got plastic?,yester? got kittens? 90t BU9S? GOT BRAINS? got e-commerce? CATNIP? 0t soy? G0T TRANSIT got anxiety? gob cake? got game? GOT FEAR?

Notable Examples

got faith AM
got peace?

Controversy: PETA Parody Ad

The California Milk Processor Board has threatened to take legal action twice against the nonprofit group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for negatively parodying their slogan. In August 2000, PETA put up "Got Prostate Cancer?"[13] billboards featuring former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani in Wisconsin while he was being treated for the disease, associating it with milk consumption.[11] PETA issued an apology[12] the following month and removed the images.

got prostate cancer? www.MiSucks.com
got pus? Milk does

Two years later, PETA launched another campaign titled "Got Pus?"[14], arguing that milk may contain blood and pus from the infected udders of overworked dairy cows. The campaign ran relatively unnoticed until December 2007, when lawyers for the California Milk Processing Board sent a cease and desist letter, stating that the campaign was infringing the "Got Milk?" trademark.[15] While the story was reported by MSNBC[16], USA Today[17] and the New York Times[18], it is unclear whether or not PETA was actually sued, as their store[19] still carries Got Pus? items.

Ad Retirement

On Monday February 24th, 2014, the National Milk Industry announced[27] the retirement of their "Got Milk?" ad campaign and revealed the launch of it's new campaign "Milk Life" focusing on the nutritional value of milk. The Milk Industry opted to stick with the Lowe Campbell Ewald advertising agency who was also involved in the “Got Milk” campaign.[28]

[This video has been removed]

Search Interest

Though the original slogan "Got Milk" has since declined in popularity, it is still considered once of the top parodied advertisement campaigns of all time.[10]

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Got Milk?

Got Milk?

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Got Milk? is an advertisement campaign designed to help increase milk sales in the United States. Since the campaign’s launch in 1993, numerous parodies and imitations have been found both online and in the real world using the snowclone Got X?


In 1993, The California Milk Processor Board launched the “Got Milk?” advertisement campaign as a way to encourage public consumption of cow’s milk. Working with the ad agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners[1], the first commercial for the campaign aired on October 29th, 1993, featuring a man sitting in a room that appears to be a shrine to the historical duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.[2] In the commercial, the man calls in to a radio station’s trivia contest for a $10,000 prize, but he fails to utter his response with his mouth full of peanut butter sandwhich. Directed by Michael Bay, the commercial went on to win a 1994 Silver Lion award at the Cannes International Advertising Festival, a Gold award at the 1994 CLIO Awards, and was inducted into the CLIOAdvertising Hall of Fame in 2009.[3]

Following the campaign's successful reception, the National Milk Processor Board[4] licensed the slogan for their print ads, pairing the phrase with celebrity portraits of actors, musicians, athletes and fictional characters with a milk mustache. Since its launch in 1995, hundreds of these ads have been published; a collection of 300 "Got Milk?" posters is currently hosted at Creative Criminals.[5] As of May 2012, the campaign continues to remain active on Facebook and Twitter, both under the tagline “Got Milk?”[6][7] and “Milk Mustache Campaign.”[8][9]

Smash hit by Hayden. Body by mitk. rink ma The Drotein Petos b A.wscle some studies suggest got milk? Your bones may be in jeopardy. One in five osteoporosis victims is male. Luckily, fat free milk has the calcium bones need to help beat it. Beating your Harvard Ph.D. opponents? Well, that's another story got milk? got milk? Swift pick in this Dsiness, you've the protein helps at free mx a day odya milk


According to Fortune Magazine's article "Got Milk? Got Books? Got a Clue?"[20], copycat campaigns based on the snowclone began appearing as early as 1998, such as "Got Death?" ads for Combat insecticide products and "Got porn?" display sign at an adult bookstore. The article also noted that the California Milk Processor Board saw the parodies as free advertisement for their campaign, despite the unauthorized nature of its usage.

Got Books? got gas? Got Rice!?

Also in the late 1990s, “Got Rice?”[25] began appearing as a humorous slogan for Asian-American pride. A parody song using several variations including "Got Rice?" was first shared on Newgrounds[24] in September 2000. In response to the abundance of online parodies, the California Milk Processor Board eventually began selling a poster[22] (below) with 100 “Got Milk?” parody phrases in July 2005. Two years later, The Snowclones Database [23] added “Got X?” to the site. The single topic blog Milking Got Milk[26] was created in November 2009 to aggregate photos of “Got X?” found in real life, with hundreds of instances shared as of May 2012.

gof ripped off? GOT ENERGY? GOT OPTIONS? got celebrities? got faith 9ot trash'? got lungs? got cheese? g0t virtual? GOT THE MUNCHIES? sot problems? got realtors? ot ham ? got loue? got credit? GOT MONEY? gol shrimp? GOT PROTEIN? GOT A JOB? GOT CLOUT? got vision? got promotions? ot change? got ices got taste? GOT COOKIES? got blister? got bones? t bait gol milh paint? got clue? Got jESUS? got clothes? GOT CONFLiCT? Gor SNOW? got in? GoT MUSCLE? got fish? Gt dentitj? got voice? GOTMUSCLE? gut sick? got hair GOT MOLES? got teeth: ot er? got fuel? , got debot life? got lube?COT DEMOCRACY? GOC ARC?' got chocolate? got dirt? got veggies? got gas? ai got beer? GOT SUN? got mnsie?9o beober? got condoms? got heat? got surf? GoT cliENTS? got the blues? got balls? GOT ICE? got goals got yogurt. got silicone? chick GOT COLOR? GOT RESPECT? jot tickets? got light? GOT STAIRS3 GOT EGGS? got news? got plastic?,yester? got kittens? 90t BU9S? GOT BRAINS? got e-commerce? CATNIP? 0t soy? G0T TRANSIT got anxiety? gob cake? got game? GOT FEAR?

Notable Examples

GOT moLOKO? got faith AM
got peace?

Controversy: PETA Parody Ad

The California Milk Processor Board has threatened to take legal action twice against the nonprofit group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for negatively parodying their slogan. In August 2000, PETA put up "Got Prostate Cancer?"[13] billboards featuring former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani in Wisconsin while he was being treated for the disease, associating it with milk consumption.[11] PETA issued an apology[12] the following month and removed the images.

got prostate cancer? www.MiSucks.com got pus? Milk does

Two years later, PETA launched another campaign titled "Got Pus?"[14], arguing that milk may contain blood and pus from the infected udders of overworked dairy cows. The campaign ran relatively unnoticed until December 2007, when lawyers for the California Milk Processing Board sent a cease and desist letter, stating that the campaign was infringing the "Got Milk?" trademark.[15] While the story was reported by MSNBC[16], USA Today[17] and the New York Times[18], it is unclear whether or not PETA was actually sued, as their store[19] still carries Got Pus? items.

Ad Retirement

On Monday February 24th, 2014, the National Milk Industry announced[27] the retirement of their "Got Milk?" ad campaign and revealed the launch of it's new campaign "Milk Life" focusing on the nutritional value of milk. The Milk Industry opted to stick with the Lowe Campbell Ewald advertising agency who was also involved in the “Got Milk” campaign.[28]

[This video has been removed]

Search Interest

Though the original slogan "Got Milk" has since declined in popularity, it is still considered once of the top parodied advertisement campaigns of all time.[10]

External References

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