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A painting of a screaming qurupeco (an animal from Monster Hunter Tri). First appeared several weeks ago on DeviantArt. Originally without caption, but notable captions added later include "REPENT!" and "REPENT – IRONBEARD IS NEAR!" The former caption also links the image to the Ironbeard McCullough meme which is also in the research stage (Ironbeard being the loud, manly Scottish Monster Hunter from several TV spots). The image is notable because of the frantic look on the monster's face, the fact that it appears to be screaming, and its overall goofy appearance. Add any moderately funny phrase as a caption, preferably something frantic, and behold the lulz of an over-sized bird-thing screaming it. I don't know where this meme is going; it has yet to reach critical mass, yet I believe it has potential. Anyone wishing to support the meme can add captions to increase its presence.
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