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Obscure Media

Added by Spirit Coyote • Updated about a year ago by Spirit Coyote
Added by Spirit Coyote • Updated about a year ago by Spirit Coyote

Obscure Media
Obscure Media

Category: Subculture Status: submission Year: 2010 Origin: Reddit Region:
Tags: reddit media obscure subreddit obscure media

Additional References: Facebook Reddit

This event is currently being Researched by me, so I'd like some help! – Foxy


"Obscure Media" is a term used to describe various media on youtube, usually from before the year 2000, that seems to be rather "obscure, or weird." An example of obscure media would be independent films, shorts, and everything from news broadcasts to drug P.S.A's.

The subreddit defines it as "Have you seen everything to the point of having to look for the obscure and the not so often seen? Well perhaps this reddit is for you. Post your favorites. Discuss, request info whatever. Silent films? 60's & 70's exploitation flicks? Old classics? Old TV. Pretty much anything Give it a try"


The use of the term 'Obscure Media' dates back to 2010, when the OM


Some examples of what makes Obscure Media so Obscure would be the infamous

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