
15 Times Animals Were Caught Being Derps

Two images from the following collection.
Two images from the following collection.

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

Did you ever look at your cat and wonder if they are plotting to rule over humans? Or if they're maybe thinking about eating the fish in the aquarium? It's assumed you went onto the internet to understand them or at least tried to, and you stumbled here, the absolute best place. You might not understand them, but these images prove why animals are cute, funny and straight-up derps.

Everyone loves pictures of animals being funny. Everyone also loves pictures of animals being super weird. These pictures combine the best of both worlds, bringing us some animals being both funny and weird who were successfully photographed by their humans. These pictures are strange, confusing, hilarious and absolute gold. Here are 15 animals being total derps to bless your day and make you look at your pets in a whole new light.

The real cat-walk God is here

Don't believe that cats are liquid?? Here's some solid proof.

Annie loves her leaves

(Source: Reddit)

She's ready to take off with those ears.

The dog is going to get flashbacks of this

What a distinguished gentleman

(Source: Reddit)

Take the elephant's interview too

She definitely wants to voice her political opinions.

Got a staring problem, pal?

(Source: Reddit)

It's definitely judging the person behind the screen now.

Having a discussion with the guy in the camera

Lord Herald's description

(Source: Reddit)

I wonder who did that

You've got a friend in me

(Source: Reddit)

Ooh! That's a big smile.

Now throw the damn squirrel

Susan! The water's too cold

(Source: Reddit)

Those eyes yell mischief!

Racquetball pro

Distracting the driver while the raccoons empty the trunk

The jump off the face…

Tags: funny, pets, animals, cats, dogs, derp, cute, wholesome, reddit, animals being derps, animalsbeingderps, collections,