
18 Takeout Memes For Those Who Refuse To Eat Their Food At Home

A meme about ordering a california roll and a meme about getting chicken tendies.
A meme about ordering a california roll and a meme about getting chicken tendies.

Published January 18, 2021

Published January 18, 2021

Food is one of the biggest pleasures in life, but making sure you eat the right amount and the right kind at the right time … not so much. Isn't it great that we have a greasy, convenient solution? All the time, people dedicate themselves to eating healthy, which usually only lasts a few days before they get frustrated. Maybe you've been trying your best to better yourself and your diet, or maybe you prefer to eat junk food because it's easy and makes you happy, which is also perfectly valid. Most of us fall into the latter category, knowing the "new year, new me" efforts are just a brief phase in most cases.

If your healthy eating desire is to eat more and be in a better mood instead, then you've probably become accustomed to ordering food online or over the phone and sitting inside, staring blankly out the window while you wait for the food to arrive. It's a simpler way of life, but one that comes with its positives and negatives like any other. The memes below sum up some of the highs and lows that come with ordering takeout, of which there are many.


(Source: Instagram)

Good Intentions

(Source: Instagram)

See Ya

(Source: Memedroid)

A Refined Palate

(Source: Ahseeit)

Take The Hint

(Source: Meme)


(Source: Dopl3r)

Technological Advancement

(Source: iFunny)

Only Logical

(Source: iFunny)

Return To The Wild

(Source: iFunny)


(Source: Memedroid)


(Source: Instagram)

I Relate

(Source: Instagram)

That's Algebra, Baby

(Source: Memedroid)


(Source: Meme)

The Wait

(Source: Memes)

Hiding Something?

(Source: Memedroid)

Beats Good Luck And Happiness

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Baby

(Source: Instagram)

Tags: takeout, junk food, fast food, funny, new years, diet, food, cursed food, stupid food, forbidden snacks, memes, collections,