25 Culinary Creations That Weren't Exactly Works Of Art

When it comes to having a meal, the most important part is actually eating something, anything. Anyone who is able to eat three meals a day should feel lucky to be able to do so. Even the best of us get desperate at times when it comes to meals, though. Sometimes a meal goes wrong, sometimes there's a lack of ingredients, sometimes it's just a need to try something new. The bottom line is that mealtime doesn't always turn out as it should, or as it was expected to. Some people have some crazy ideas when it comes to combining food, and some of them are quite odd.
Reddit has many subreddits dedicated to showcasing food. The good, the bad, the strange, and the nearly inedible. One in particular, /r/stupidfood, exists to show off all of the ridiculous meals out there, whether they're made at home, from a store or a restaurant. These are some meals that exist for unknown reasons and probably shouldn't exist at all. Here are 25 examples of "food being stupid."