25 Relatable Memes That Prove We're Not Alone In This World

Everybody has things which they believe only they do, stuff so weird that it can't be revealed to the light of day or the eyes of others. Everybody leaves a conversation wondering how they could have possibly said that thing or acted in such a strange and off-putting way. But even though we might feel like we are alone in our cringe, it is in fact cringe that ties us together.
Cringe is the concrete between the bricks that make up society. Browsing the internet and reading memes, you'll find people sharing these feelings that we all feel but imagine are private. The very things that we believe separate and alienate us from others are, in fact, the things we share most deeply and incurably with them. These relatable memes from Reddit's Me IRL show that you share more than you may have thought with others.
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