10 Annoying Karens Spotted In The Wild By Redditors

Karens are truly nightmares to deal with. Customer service and retail workers should get some sort of medal honoring the fact that they put up with these people all day long. Even in 2023, Karens are a very real problem that never is solved. Even after years of everyone online calling them out, the Karens of the world have never bothered to correct their bad behavior. In fact, they've gotten even worse over the years.
Even though pointing out their bad behavior doesn't seem to solve anything, we've gathered a collection of some of the worst Karens to have appeared online in recent days. Thanks to Reddit, a community has gathered around watching for more Karens to appear, and they never disappoint. Here are just a few of their recent finds.
Anti-Masker’s Mask
In a way, it sort of works, because it's effective in preventing people from ever coming near this guy.
Karen Wants to Speak to the Manager of the Military Base
I love how she included that her "animals" were "devastated."