10 Hump Day Memes To Get You Through Your Wednesday
It's Wednesday, also known as Hump Day, because surviving today means you're more than halfway through the work week. And for some reason, this day of the week comes with more memes than any other. They're not always the most intelligent and informative memes out there, but they can help remind you that it's Wednesday, and help you celebrate the fact that you've made it to the halfway point in your week. And for that, we're proud of you, because it's certainly not an easy feat.
Hump Day memes can help remind you that you've come so far this week, and that others are counting down the days until the weekend just like you are. So we've gathered some of the best Wednesday memes from our extensive archive, and now we're hoping to spread some Wednesday joy to all of you. Here are some of our favorite memes for Hump Day.
My Middle School Banned This Phrase Because It’s “Disruptive”
The original Hump Day meme comes from a commercial with a camel talking about the fact that it's Hump Day, which annoys all of his human coworkers. People quickly began repeating the phrase in real life.
The classic image of a Budgett's frog makes up the "It's Wednesday, my dudes" meme, the most popular Wednesday meme of all.
Here Come the Frogs
Frogs always reappear on Wednesdays. There's just no avoiding them, no matter where you go online.
Terry the Fat Shark
Terry the Fat Shark is said to appear on Wednesdays with a token of friendship or a gift of some sort for people who stumble across him while scrolling.
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