10 Math Memes About The Most Controversial School Subject
Contrary to popular belief, not everyone likes math. If you're a math teacher, this may come as a sort of surprise to you. Well, you're probably pretty aware that most students hate it, but you don't, so you're one of the lucky ones. All of us have to learn all different types of math at some point in our lives, spending every single year from kindergarten to high school in formal math classes. If you're not a math person (and I certainly wasn't), this can be unbearable. But if you love math, or even if you just love making jokes about math, these memes are for you.
If you're a teacher, these memes are a perfect way for you to amuse yet slightly annoy your students. If you're a student, these are the perfect way to express your frustrations with math (or love of math, if you're one of the rare few). We've hand-picked some of the best math-themed memes out there, and here are some of our favorites.
I Don’t Even Remember What These Are
What are these? Seriously? Someone explain these to me in the comments, if you can.
I Think Statistics Is Easy Compared To The Rest
Maybe the reason statistics is a type of math universally disliked by many math teachers is because it actually makes sense, unlike calculus.
I Have Never Used Any Math I Learned Past Eighth Grade
The real truth: unless you go into a math-related field, you won't need to remember any stuff like this.