12 Incredibly Infuriating Karens Caught Acting Out
Karens are one trend that certainly won't die, no matter how much we want it to. It's clear why this has to stop. Karens should have realized a long time ago that their behavior was inappropriate and sometimes disturbing, and yet, they never seem to have the self-awareness to think about anyone but themselves. It's an ever-growing plague in our society, and ironically, the actual plague we've been dealing with since 2020 seems to have angered them even further.
Some people think the word "Karen" is an actual slur. If you're one of these people, there's a good chance you yourself are a Karen. We're sorry to inform you of this, but if you side with the people you're about to hear from in the following posts, there's a good chance you need to reevaluate the way you treat customer service workers and perhaps reconsider posting things like this on social media. Here are some great Karens who went too far yet again.
How Are People “Divided” on This?
I read the article so you don't have to. No, she doesn't give him an allowance to pull this money from. She makes him work for $1 a day, then continues to collect that money back again at the end of the month.
Just a Reminder that Jesus Was Born in the Middle East
I don't know if this Karen is concerned about possible cultural appropriation or about the representation of Middle Eastern culture in general, but knowing Karens, it's probably the latter.
Referring to Coal Being Burned in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania is known for its railroads. Which, you know, use coal.