Two Karens in the following collection.

12 More Karens Acting Out Online

We've all collectively had more than enough of Karens. Lots of us strive to be decent human beings who can live in a society without causing trauma to everyone around them. However, Karens don't care about the feelings of others. They only care about themselves, and they want to speak to the manager the moment something doesn't go their way.

Karens have been trending online for a long, long time, and they seem to be growing more and more angry over time. Maybe it's because they think the word Karen is a slur (it isn't). Maybe it's because we've been asking them to put on masks and wash their hands, but they don't want to do anything that even slightly inconveniences them. Honestly, we'll never know the reasons they do the things they do, but we do know that they can be extremely annoying and hilarious simultaneously. Here are some Karens we're sick of encountering, but can't stop finding literally everywhere.

Karen Hates Halloween

Attention Satanic Socialists!!! This is the home of a PATROTIC CHRISTIAN Family taxes pay We work hard and We do not celebrate Satan's Day We do not give away free Candy to lazy entitled freelached No Handouts Welcome +- AMERICA!! If you want candy GET A JOB!! And FIND Jesus !!!!

Great Answer

f 8 gh Qh2# (21... c8 +, White des ese 12 8 7 tation: org 6 5 Abigail Van Buren Qe6+ Kh7 DEAR ABBY: My husband and I attended a party at the home of 2xd7 Qxa2 one of my co-workers. The problem was the homeowner's pets. The dogs were allowed to roam freely during the party. Party guest put-off by roaming dogs. DEAR ABBY They barked each time a guest knocked or rang the doorbell and jumped on each person who entered. They hovered at people's feet waiting for food to drop or to be given to them. It felt like we were expected to pet the animals and interact with them whether we wanted to or not. The homeowner made no attempt to control the dogs or keep them away from any of the guests. What would have been the polite way to ask my co-worker to put the dogs in their kennels? LIKES PETS, BUT... DEAR LIKES: To an animal lover, a pet is a member of the family. Your co-worker obviously saw nothing wrong with his/her dogs mingling with the guests. There is no polite way to ask a host to put a family member in the garage during a party. Telling your co-worker that you found the pets' behavior disruptive may solve your problem, because he/she will probably omit you from future guest lists. - Contact Dear Abby at or P.O.Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Karen Hates Adults Who Watch Cartoons

No. More. Cartoons. For. Grown. Men. I can't believe how much I need to emphasize this. You should be watching football and not cartoons. Cartoons make people toxic and neglectful and ruins the lives of those around them. Stop. Quit while you're ahead. Listen to me. I know.

I Had No Idea There Were Interpreters

Amharic ከክፍያ ነፃ የሆነ አስተርጓሚ መብት አለዎ፡፡ እባክዎ ወያ ያመልክቱ፡፡ Arabic INTERPRETING SERVICES AVAILABLE Bosnian صول إلى مترجم بدون يت، من فضلك اختر لغتك. P + ធដោយឥតគិតកម្រៃ។ សូមចង្អុលទៅភាសារបស់អ្នក។ wanda bosansk Imate pravo na besplatnog tumača. Molimo vas da izaberete (označite) svoj jezik. Burmese သင့်တွင် စကားပြန်တစ်ဦးရရှိသည့် အခွင့်အရေးရှိပြီး ထိုအတွက် ဘာမှကုန်ကျခံစရာမလိုပါ။ ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ သင်၏ ဘာသာစကားကို ညွှန်ပြပါ။ Chinese Cantonese မြန်မာ Korean 您有權利獲得一位免費的口譯人員。 請指出您的語言。 您有权利获得一位免费的口译人员。 请指出您的语言。 Chuukese/Trukese Foosun Chuuk Mei wor omw pwuung omw kopwe nounou chon chiaku, nge kosapw mooni. Kose mwochen kopwe itini foosun fonuomw. Farsi Karen ပူၤကညီ Romai နအိဉ်ဒီး ၦကတိကျိးထံတ၏ အခွဲးအယာ လ၊ တလိန် Aveti drep နဉ် တအၦ ၤ လ၊ အင်္ဂါနေ့ ဉ်ဘဉ်။ ဝံသးစူၤ နဲဉ်ဖျ နကျိာ် နဉ်တ။ bono. Vă r limba pe ca Russian Khmer/Cambodian mania អ្នកមានសិទ្ធិទទួលបានសេវាអ្នកបកប Ufite ganizira DWO guhabwa umusemuzi ku buntu. Erekana ururimi rwawe. Chinese Mandarin i Marshallese pichassji 한국어 귀하는 무료로 통역 서비스를 받으실 수 있습니다. 귀하의 언어를 선택해 주십시오. Kurdish (Sorani) 日本語 Kajin Maje! Ewōr jimwe eo am in bōk jipaň jān juon ri-ukok ejjelok wōņāän. Kwon jouj im jitōn kajin eo am. Mien Nepali فارسی fall get $i alaq شما از این حق برخوردار هستند که بدون هزینه Meih maaih lingc zipv mienh tengx meih faan waac yaac maiv zuqc ndotv nyaanh. Tov nuqv meih nyei waac. नेपाली 1)tahf alege زبان مورد نظر خود اشاره کنید . ion: You have the right to an interpreter e point to your language. Вы им услу D Una haki kwa mtafsiri bila malipo تو مافی وه رگیرت ههیه به خورایی. yoyote. Tafadhali onyesha lugha تکایه زمانه کهت دیاری بکه. Oromo mali Oromiffa Tajaajila turjumaanaa kanfaltii irraa bilisa ta'e argachuu ni dandeessu. Maaloo, afaan barbaaddan caqasaa. un interpret, pro să ne precizaţi vorbiti. русский Право на бесплатные еводчика. Пожалуйста Зас указать на Ваш язык. Af Soomaali Waxaad xaq u leedahay inaad heshid tujumaan aan lacag kuugu fadhin. Fadlan tilmaan luqaddaada. Spanish Español yako. Thai Mienh Tigrinya Română Usted tiene derecho a un intérprete sin costo alguno. Por favor, señale su idioma. Swahili Kiswahili ภาษาไทย คุณมีสิทธิ์ที่จะใช้ล่ามโดยไม่เสีย ค่าใช้จ่าย โปรดชี้ไปที่ภาษาของคุณ Ви маєте право безкоштовно अधिकार छ। कृपया आफ्नो भाषालाई OTpuMa nocnyr nepeknanaya Будь ласка, вкажіть вашу мову. Vietnamese Tiếng Việt Japanese 無料で通訳サービスをご利用 できます。 ご自分の言語を選択 してください。 OHSU Language Services: 503-494-2800 | ትግርኛ ምርካብ መሰል ኣለኹም፡፡ ብኽብረትኩም ካብ ክፍሊት ነፃ ዝኾነ አስተርጓሚ ናይ ናብ ቋንቋ የመልከቱ፡ Ukrainian Ykpaincbka MOBa Quý vị có quyền yêu cầu dịch vụ phiên dịch hoàn toàn miễn phí. Vui lòng cho biết ngôn ngữ của quý vị.

I don't even know where to begin in interpreting the will of Karens, though.

Caption This


Karen Can’t Get Her McDonalds After a Hurricane

8:51 Neighbor 6 minutes ago 1.1 mi away Food delivery 8 Post Details Anyone else experiencing delays in food delivery? Can't believe there was like a major category 4 storm and I can't get my McDonald's delivered. I'm going to totally rate is sternly worded email to the CEO of McDonald's telling him how displeased I am but I can't get delivery to my fully standing house. Safety Discussion 3 (C. IM SHARE

Karen is the real victim here. No one wants to drive through the flooded streets full of downed power lines to get her a McDonald's meal. How dare they?

Karen Confronts A Child By Pinning Them to a Car

J What's #happening nearby, @neighbour? Janet J 9 hrs ago I feel angry & upset. Today outside Academy while i wanted for my child to come out of school a parent come up to me accusing me of stopping her child from going to school & pinning them next to a car. Threating me with the Police if i talk to their child again. It's not how it happened. I just wanted to say to them how upset i was at seeing them ignore my child at summer fair. I think you wouldn't be happy to see your child's best friend ignore your child. It's not weird wanting to make sure your child is safe from the traffic around the area & from other students. Other parents go take their children to school in cars. Are they weird to? I wouldn't want to talk to your child again after the way you treated me Posted in General to Anyone 3 Like a

After They Came In Extremely Drunk

Kris W Local Guide 14 reviews 21 photos 23 hours ago Would leave zero stars if possible. We ate before getting there so my wife and I came in to drink. We ordered a beer and a shot each. While finishing the beer we asked for another shot and were refused. We wore masks and were quiet until told we weren't being served again. (literally our first rounds of the day) Your establishment has a new employee (me) and I will work for free my job description will be that of making sure people skip your establishment to go to the next one. The manager was "Sara" For someone who dines frequently all over the world this place is a 0 L Response from the owner 3 hours ago ... : As always, Sarah does what is in the best interest of our restaurant and our guests. We are sorry this situation upset you. Please be sure to fill out your W2 before your next shift. Thank you.

Thankfully, the person who uploaded this screenshot was an employee of the restaurant who was able to clarify that the couple was absurdly intoxicated when they came in.

Parking Karen


Animal Crossing Karen

6:06 ← r/ACPocketCamp u/No-Imagination-7567 3h. Discussion Communicating with Friends. I don't have any of my game friends on any other social media. My one pet peeve is ppl that only post one item, and only allow it to be bought once a day. The other day I was so frustrated that I changed my name to " Sell 3". Omg they all understood and changed their set SELL 3 Lv. 406 ミィー Friends Add a comment Shane Lv. 416 5 minutes ago COOL! Lv. 410 8 minutes ago : 53 EL A₂ Gift GIF

This Public Park Review that Almost Gave Me a Stroke

18:03 1 Angela 12 reviews in London a month ago Location is the park, GPS the park! Not the roads surrounding it. Respect the local disabled housing and residential area. Enjoy the park Pick up that board. Yes children playing here, less of the middle aged blokes with no shirts.or beer drinking folks riding the pavement. Safety please, little kids use the park. Too many tricksters riding the road. Pick a bigger venue, too many crowd the tiny area. Too close to homes, parks department need to take note before a bad head injury or road accident happens PLEASE lose the show off banging board on paving. I love the bike riding boarder that brings boards strapped to back, silently going about the road.well done. enjoy the park. REMEMBER OTHERS PEACE get off and walk. If you are not in the park, you're not IN the bumps. Please hospital shift workers need their rest. Not for late night boards.Local families use the park for little ones. This park has no toilets, so where are all the visitors peeing. In bushes near to children AA 14 * If it's loud fast boarding please try Victoria park. Helpful 5 ●●●

She Needs Acknowledgement for Her Donation

< OVERVIEW ✓ All Goodwill of Greater... D Helpful REVIEWS prices 24 Debbie A 144 reviews Helpful 2 Taylor BMW PHOTOS clothes 11 DOE ●●● UPDATES donations 9 5 months ago I dropped off a bag for donation the guy never acknowledged me. NEVER even said thank you. That is the least he could of done! ... ...

FYI: donating is supposed to be a selfless act. If you're doing it for the approval of an overworked Goodwill employee, maybe you're not as good of a person as you think you are, Debbie.

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